Archive Expert is a professional, full-featured file archive manager tool. It help you to browse, extract, create, modify, split multiple file archives. View, preview files, show advanced file information inside archives.
Extraction Formats:
zip, rar, 7z, lha, zipx, stufflt, hqx, bin, gzip, gz, tgz, tar-gz, bz2, bzip2, bz, txz, tar, iso, cdi, nrg, mdf, gtar, z, taz, tar-z, lzma, xar, xip, ace, arj, arc, pak, spk, zoo, lbr, lqr, lzr, pma, cab, rpm, deb, alz, dd, cpt, pit, now, sea, msi, cpio, cpgz, pax, warc, ha, adf, adz, dms, f, lzx, dcs, pkd, xms, zom, p, nsa, pdf. etc.
Compression Formats:
zip, 7z, gzip, tar, bzip2, iso
6 Compression Levels:
fastest, fast, normal, maximum, ultra, and no compression